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Self-Flying AI-Gliders

Schöner Vortrag von Lili Cheng über Microsofts selbstfliegenden AI-Gleiter. Bild oben: Visualisierung der Thermal-Drift-Daten. Fascinating stuff. (via O'Reilly)


In Neal Stephenson Amalthea (eng. Seveneves) gibt es übrigens genau solche Gleiter als Anzüge, die autonom nach Updrifts suchen und die Menschen so in die Atmosphäre schießen (was im Buch dann auch schonmal paar Stunden dauert). Die Zukunftsvision wurde dann auch ziemlich schnell von der Realität eingeholt, fehlt halt nur noch die Anzugversion davon, also sowas wie ein AI-Thermaldrift-Wingsuit.

Artificial intelligence models the real world around us, learning from social animals, people, and situations. But from where do AI researchers derive their inspiration?

Lili Cheng shares two examples of AI inspired by nature. In the first, Microsoft researchers created a system that uses artificial intelligence that draws on the way birds fly to keep a sailplane aloft. The second explores what makes people unique, our language instinct, and our ability to model how people socialize and accomplish work.

NYTimes hatte neulich 'nen Artikel und ein 360°-Video über die AI-: Microsoft Teaches Autonomous Gliders to Make Decisions on the Fly.


Last week, in the desert valley surrounding Hawthorne, Nev., 130 miles south of Reno, Mr. Kapoor and his fellow Microsoft researchers tested two gliders designed to navigate the skies on their own. Guided by computer algorithms that learned from onboard sensors, predicted air patterns and planned a route forward, these gliders could seek out thermals — columns of rising hot air — and use them to stay aloft.

The hope is that the autonomous aircraft can eventually ride the air for hours or even days at a time while consuming very little power, helping to, say, track weather patterns, monitor farm crops or even deliver the internet to places where it’s otherwise unavailable.

from Nerdcore