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Durch Klimawandel freigesetzter Kohlenstoff im Boden gleicht den Emissionen eines zweiten Amerika 🌞

Eine Studie der Uni Yale hat ergeben, dass im Laufe der nächsten rund 30 Jahre aufgrund des wegen Klimawandels auftauenden Bodens vor allem in kälteren Regionen wie der Arktis nochmal 55 Billionen Kilo Kohlenstoff freigesetzt werden, ungefähr soviel wie die Kohlenstoff-Emissionen eines zweiten Amerika. Na prima. Ganz großartig. (via Fefe)

A new Yale-led study in the journal Nature finds that warming will drive the loss of at least 55 trillion kilograms of carbon from the soil by mid-century, or about 17% more than the projected emissions due to human-related activities during that period. That would be roughly the equivalent of adding to the planet another industrialized country the size of the United States.

Critically, the researchers found that carbon losses will be greatest in the world’s colder places, at high latitudes, locations that had largely been missing from previous research. […] “The scary thing is, these cold regions are the places that are expected to warm the most under climate change.”

from Nerdcore