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This Robot Suitcase Will Follow You Around

This is the COWAROBOT R1, a suitcase that follows you autonomously, while avoiding obstacles. It also has a portable power bank to charge your smartphone or other devices. Now it just needs to look and sound like R2-D2 and we will all buy one.

cowarobot_suitcase_1zoom in

Now before you worry about whether or not it can make it through the long hallways of an airport terminal, the suitcase has a driving range of up to 12.5 miles, at speeds up to 4.5 mph, which should be fast enough to keep up with you unless you break into a jog. Since the COWAROBOT R1 operates on battery power, it can also be used to charge gadgets on the go. Another whiz-bang feature is the automated lock, which keeps your belongings safe, and can be opened or closed remotely.

Currently this robotic suitcase is being crowdfunded on IndieGogo, where they’ve exceed their goal three times over. If you want one for yourself, head over here and you can contribute upwards of $500(UD) to secure one. Or, you can just continue carrying your luggage like a schmuck. Your choice.

Suitcase, come here! We are off to adventure! Good boy suitcase. Good boy!

[via Incredible Things]

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