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Rainy Shades of Purple for Harvey

Vor vier Jahren musste das australische Bureau of Meteorology eine neue Farbe in ihren Wetterkarten einführen, da die Temparaturen dank Klimawandel nicht mehr abgebildet werden konnten. Jetzt muss der National Weather Service dasselbe für die Niederschläge in Texas tun, da die Wassermassen während des Hurrikan Harvey ebenfalls nicht mehr visualisiert werden konnten: National Weather Service Adds New Colors So It Can Map Harvey's Rains. Immerhin macht der Klimawandel die Wetterkarten bunter.

In a note about the change, the weather agency said on Monday, "Some perspective on the amount of rainfall that Tropical Storm Harvey has put down across Southeastern Texas and Southwestern Louisiana. We've had to update the color charts on our precipitation graphics in order to effectively map it."

While the old scale used 13 colors from light green to dark purple to depict precipitation from 0.1 inch to greater than 15 inches, the new one resets that dark purple color to denote 15-20 inches of rain — and tacks on two more lighter shades of purple to denote 20-30 inches and "greater than 30 inches."

Those new levels are not hypothetical, as many residents along the middle Texas coast and inland areas can attest. And heavy rainfall is forecast to continue this week.

Mehr zu Klimawandel und Harvey: Climate change did not “cause” Harvey, but it’s a huge part of the story

from Nerdcore