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What’s Nickelodeon’s Slime Made of?

Growing up I used to watch a show on Nickelodeon called You Can’t do That on Television. People were always getting slimed on that show if they said “I don’t know.” I always wondered exactly what that green slime was made of. Clearly it had some oatmeal in it for the chunks, but other than that, I had no idea.

Marc Summers, who hosted a couple of Nickelodeon’s game shows, including Double Dare and What Would You Do? was recently featured in a Tech Insider video in which he explains the ingredients of the green goo.

Nick’s early slime was made from oatmeal, vanilla pudding, and applesauce with green food coloring according to Summers. That’s certainly not the recipe you find on the internet today. I bet the stuff tasted pretty bad too, vanilla pudding and applesauce… yuck.

[via Laughing Squid]

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