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3D-Rendering used as Passport-Photo

Herr Raphaël Fabre hat ein 3D-Rendering als Passfoto eingereicht und ist damit durchgekommen. An den Haaren hätten sie's eigentlich erkennen müssen, aber er dürfte damit nicht letzte bleiben, wenn man sich zum Beispiel CGI-Arbeiten wie Saya anschaut. Ich hätte an Fabres Stelle ja irgendein Symbol in die Bartstoppeln gebaut, oder 'nen fraktalen Haaransatz oder sowas. Aber gut, es soll ja auch seriöse Kunst sein, da macht man solchen Unsinn natürlich nicht. (via Prosthetic Knowledge)

On april 7th, 2017, I made a request of a french ID card. All the papers asked for the card were legal and authentic, the demand was accepted and I have now my new French ID card.

The photo I submitted for this request is actually a 3D model created on a computer, by means of several different software and techniques used for special effects in movies and in the video game industry. It is a digital image, where the body is absent, the result of an artificial process.

The image corresponds to the official demands for an ID: it is resembling, is recent, and answers all the criteria of framing, light, bottom and contrasts to be observed.

The document validating my french identity in the most official way thus presents today an image of me which is practically virtual, a version of video game, fiction.

from Nerdcore