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Full-size 3D Printed Stargate Will Take You to a Museum

The Musée royal de Mariemont in Belgium is holding an exhibition called “From Stargate to Comics: Egyptian Gods In Geek Culture”. Sounds pretty cool no? And you can travel there by Stargate.

stargatezoom in

Okay, you can’t get there by Stargate, but they do have one on site. One of the center pieces of the exhibition is a 3D printed 20-foot tall replica of a Stargate from the show and movie of the same name. The gate is made up of over 2,000 parts featuring 10,000 cuttings.

This project may have taken the team over 1,000 hours to complete, but it takes just one second to walk through it and go somewhere else in the universe: the other side.

[via Digital Trends via io9 via Nerd Approved]

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