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clubEin polnischer Wissenschaftler hat eine Methode entwickelt, um über den Pitch geheime Botschaften in Techno-Tracks zu verstecken. Vom Discover Mag: Algorithm Weaves Secret Messages into Dance Music.

Krzysztof Szczypiorski, a researcher from Poland, has developed a technique to hide messages inside dance music using subtle variations in tempo. By raising or lowering the speed of the music at levels not detectable by humans, he transmits a series of Morse code-like signals that can be picked up by a computer program. The sonic dots and dashes are then put together to spell out a message.

Aus dem Paper: StegIbiza: New Method for Information Hiding in Club Music

For the proof of concept this work used […] Logic X Pro by Apple. […] Based on MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) files this work prepared five covers of popular songs with a constant tempo:
- “Lily was here” by David A. Stewart and Candy Dulfer (131 bpm).
- “Miracle” by Queen (92 bpm).
- “Rhythm is a dancer” by Snap! (130 bpm).
- “So what” by Miles Davis (120 bpm).
- “You were the heart's beat” (in Polish: “Byłaś serca biciem”) by Andrzej Zaucha (100 bpm).

All original covers were prepared without any vocal parts and arranged in techno, hip-hop, or trance styles with the instruments available in Logic X Pro. The chosen hidden message was “steganography is a dancer!”, which when encoded into a Morse code looks like:

... - . --. .- -. --- --. .-. .- .--. .... -.-- .. ... .- -.. .- -. -.-. . .-. -.-.--

and then adopted to the StegIbiza (Figure 4) containing 88 symbols:


from Nerdcore